Published Date

To ensure the fair access to Excess Injection and Excess Withdrawal Services, TransGas is implementing a change, effective immediately, to align with other TransGas Interruptible Services. 

The new process and evaluation method for TransGas’ Excess Injection and Excess Withdrawal Service is as follows:

  1. Requests for Excess Injection/Withdrawal Service must be requested by customers the same day it is to be used other than:
    a.    Requests for a weekend/holiday are to be sent on the business day preceding the start of the weekend/holiday (e.g. Friday requests can include requesting Service for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
  2. Requests for Excess Injection/Withdrawal Service with the quantity the customer wishes to secure are to be emailed to the customer’s Key Account Manager and by 7:30 a.m.
  3. TransGas will evaluate all requests received on or before 7:30 a.m. and notify shippers of their allocated volumes by 7:45 a.m.
    a.   If a customer requests more than the available Excess Injection/Withdrawal Service capacity, their request will be capped at the total available capacity
           i. For example, if a customer requests 50,000 GJ of Excess Injection Service but there is only a total of 10,000 GJ available, the customer’s request will be adjusted down to 10,000 GJ.
    b.    If the total amount requested by all customers is greater than the total amount available, requests will be allocated on a prorated basis. The proration will be based on the customer’s requested quantity after adjustments are made (if applicable) as outlined in 3a above.
  4. Any requests received after 7:30 a.m. will be fulfilled on a first come, first served basis only if there is remaining Excess Injection/Withdrawal Service capacity available, upon TransGas’ discretion. 
  5. Customers nominate their allocated Service within MyTransGas.
  6. Any allocated volumes for this service will be deemed “take or pay”. This means any allocated volumes will be charged to the customer regardless of if the Service is nominated or not, unless:
    a.  The Service was not fully subscribed; and/or
    b.  The allocations did not result in another customer’s request receiving zero or a prorated amount of the requested Service.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the implications of this update to your natural gas transportation and storage portfolio, please contact your Key Account Manager at:

Alexis Schmidt
Key Account Manager

Adam Tulloch
Key Account Manager