Published Date

TransGas is providing notice of an upcoming Curtailment of Firm Storage Injection rights. The Curtailment is to facilitate a complete shut-in of a TransGas storage facility for maintenance purposes. This maintenance is required to ensure the continued safe operation and reliable transportation of natural gas across TransGas’ integrated transmission and storage system. If any Excess Withdrawal Service is available, it will be allocated through the regular process

There has been an update since the last notice sent on August 23, 2022. The updates are shown in bold italics below.

Potential Curtailment:
Gas Days August 15, 2022 – August 31, 2022

Based on current analysis and risks, Firm Injection rights will be Curtailed to a percent of the Firm contracted capacity as noted in the table below. Firm Injection Rights include Base Firm (Allowable) Injection Rights, as well as Firm Injection rights obtained through a Biddable Injection Service offering. Excess Injection will not be available during this outage.  Excess production will remain available as per normal approval process.  Note that this Curtailment estimated percent and date window is subject to change; TransGas will be continually evaluating the situation and all efforts will be made to reduce Customer impact.

Dates (Gas Day) Firm Injection Rights Curtailed to:
August 15, 2022 85%
August 16, 2022 70%
August 17-23, 2022 75%
August 24-25, 2022 70%
August 26-31, 2022 70%*

*TransGas will continue to evaluate daily and will update customers if this number changes.

Firm Injection Rights for August 26 through 31 will remain at 70% unless TransGas sends an updated communication. If a customer's Storage Injection nomination is above 70% of your allowable rights, TransGas will adjust the nomination to the appropriate amount and notify the customer via email.

We thank you for your patience during TGL’s first storage curtailment. Our operations team is looking at data a full day in advance to optimize customers’ allowable injection every day. As such, during the curtailment period, there will be no retro storage injection allowed and if customers are performing storage transfers, the transfer will not be able to be considered as part of their storage balance until the following gas day.

Thank you for your cooperation. TransGas will endeavor to keep you updated. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the implications of this curtailment, please contact:

Alexis Schmidt
Key Account Manager

Tanya Lang
Director, TransGas Customer Services

For excess production requests during this time period, please contact:

Alicia Glines