Export Delivery Transportation Service

This service lets customers move their gas from the TransGas Energy Pool (TEP) for delivery outside of Saskatchewan. Export service is most often offered at Empress, but could be at other locations such as Bayhurst, Success, Herbert and Whitewood.

The operation of the TransGas transmission and storage system determines the availability of various export points. TransGas evaluates each type of service, and determines the duration and volume of export the system can provide throughout the year. 

Export Service Offering Process

Export service is offered throughout the gas year and follows a sequential order.

1. Annual Export

Long-term Firm Export is offered in July for export from November 1 to October 31 of the following year.

2. Short-term Firm Seasonal Export

Short-term Firm Seasonal Export is then offered:

  • In August, for export from November 1 to March 31.
  • In February, for export from April 1 to October 31.
3. Binding Open Season for Base Monthly Short-term Firm Export Offering (summer season only)

Following the close of the Summer Seasonal Export Open Season, independent base monthly amounts for April through October are offered through a separate Binding Open Season.

4. First Come, First Served for Base Monthly Short-term Firm Export Offering

Any unallocated amounts from the base monthly open season are available on a first come, first served basis for any time period in the available months. These requests can be for a minimum of one day, a few days, a few weeks or multiple months where unallocated capacity remains. Requests may also overlap months (i.e. end of August to mid-September).

Contacting your Key Account Manager prior to entering the request for service (RFS) is recommended to confirm the amount of export capacity available during the requested time period. If interested in this service, customers must submit an RFS such that the submission is timestamped. This ensures we can fairly award the service on a first come, first served basis. Note: This first come, first served service is only available for the months in which the Base Monthly Short-Term Export is offered. There is no first come, first served service available for winter months (November through March).

5. Binding Open Season for Near Month Short-term Firm Export Offering

Monthly amounts are then offered on a near month basis for all 12 months of the year when export is available.

There is no first come, first served service available for winter months (November through March).

6. Daily Export Service Offering

Depending on availability, TransGas then offers Daily Interruptible (IT) Export service. Unallocated capacity may be available (best-efforts) on a first come, first served basis.


Short-term and Long-term Firm Export 

Firm export service offerings are available to all customers through a binding Open Season process. Once a binding Open Season closes, any remaining export transportation will not be available until:

  • it is offered through a later binding Open Season; or 
  • it is offered through daily interruptible service, unless otherwise stated within the binding Open Season. 

New short-term firm export is an E11.1 service. If a customer wishes to convert existing D11.0 or D21.0 delivery demand to export demand, it will become an E11.2 or E21.2 service, respectively, and occur through the binding Open Season. If the LDC wishes to convert existing L11.0 delivery demand to export demand, it will become an E11.3 service, and occur through the binding Open Season.

Daily Export Service

In addition to short- and long-term firm export service, TransGas may offer daily export service.

Daily export is offered to customers through daily emails, whereby customers have an opportunity to respond to TransGas for the next day’s gas export activity. These emails are sent to customers who have requested to be on the distribution list. Customers who would like to receive emails for daily export offerings can contact TransGas Contracting.

Bids are limited to a maximum of the available capacity offered. If the total amount requested by customers is greater than the total amount offered, requests will be allocated on a prorated basis. Any allocated volumes can be contracted as an E-19.0 Interruptible Export Service or converted from an existing Intra-Provincial Delivery/LDC Service into an Export Service (E-11.2, E-11.3, or E-21.2) where applicable. 

Unallocated capacity may be available on a first come, first served basis. Requests can be made through the same process described in the offering email.

Please be advised that any allocated volumes for this service will be deemed “take or pay”. This means any allocated volumes (awarded through the initial request or through the first come, first served process) will be charged to the customer regardless of it the transport is nominated or not, unless:

  • the IT export was not fully subscribed; and/or
  • the allocations did not result in a customer receiving a prorated amount of the requested IT export.
Term Lengths

Long-term Firm
Minimum term length is one year.

Short-term Firm
Any term less than one year.

Short-term Interruptible
Day-to-day, when available.


Long-term Firm
This service has no renewal rights (NRR) unless otherwise stated on the binding Open Season.

Short-term Firm
This service has no renewal rights (NRR).

This service has no renewal rights (NRR). A customer that holds Long-term firm or Short-term firm service will also hold an associated Interruptible (IT) contract.


Long-term Firm (E11.0)
E11.0 for new long-term firm, minimum one year.

Short-term Firm (E11.1, E11.2, E11.3, E21.2)
E11.1 for new short-term firm. If a customer wishes to convert existing D11.0 or D21.0 delivery demand to export demand, it will be an E11.2 or E21.2 service, respectively. If the LDC wishes to convert existing L11.0 delivery demand to export demand, it will be an E11.3 service.

Interruptible (E19.0)
E19.0 is the interruptible commodity charge for every GJ exported above firm demand flow each month.